There are a lot of natural treatments for what ails ya, but there’s nothing more natural than … Nature! And believe it or not, nature is one of the best cure-alls available today.

When you get outside, just by being in the sunshine you’ll get a nice shot of Vitamin D which can reduce cancer cell growth, help control infections, reduce inflammation, maintain healthy bones, and regulate many other cellular functions in your body.

Fresh air enhances your mood by leaps and bounds. It has been shown time and time again that mental health issues including anxiety, depression, ADHD, and other issues are tamed just by being outdoors. Studies have shown that being outside lowers levels of cortisol which is a hormone that’s a marker for stress in the body.

Kick off your shoes while you’re outside or sit on the grass to experience Earthing (also known as grounding.) This refers to making contact with the Earth’s surface electrons so that you can transfer the energy from the ground into your body. There are expensive systems that mimic this experience indoors, but hey, outside it’s free and easy so why pay for it!

Looking for a way to boost brain power and alleviate mental fatigue (who isn’t, right?) Guess what? It’s as easy as taking a walk in a park or just stepping into the yard. Being in nature, even if it’s urban nature, can boost concentration and working memory instantly. That’s faster than any of those supplements you’ve purchased to do the same thing.

So the moral of the story is to get outside. Not only is it good for you in a variety of ways, but it’s just a great break in the day or a fantastic way to spend time with friends or loved ones enjoying the great outdoors and each other.