CBD Products, Essential Oils, & Ancient Herbs

CBD Products continue to gain momentum in the health and wellness world, with some scientific studies finding that they may ease symptoms of conditions such as chronic pain and anxiety. Additionally, the Western world is finally starting to acknowledge what Eastern cultures have known for millennia … that herbs grown in the ground can have dramatic health benefits … often outperforming traditional pharmacological medicines.

At Wellness at 505, we have spent countless hours studying which natural treatments are available to address specific ailments so that we can offer our clients non-medical regimens that provide fast and long-lasting relief.

Ancient Herbs

Some of the most powerful “drugs” available today pop right out of the ground and have been harvested for medicinal purposes for millennia. What makes us think that Western medicine is smarter than the plants and herbs that have kept people alive for 300,000 years? Seems silly when you think about it.

The Big Pharma industry doesn’t want people to know that the majority of their ailments can be cured naturally and for WAY less money than prescriptions. Of course, this knowledge being out to the public would cost them a LOT of money!

Cheryl Hanson of Wellness at 505 was a registered nurse for a large portion of her life. She left the nursing field to study homeopathic treatments and how herbs and supplements can benefit an extraordinary range of illnesses, ailments, or uncomfortable circumstances. With years of training in both Western and Eastern medicine, she understands your symptoms and can trace it back to the root cause … which, you guessed it, can be treated with herbs and supplements.

We can guide you on what supplements you need and which ones you should save your money on. Let’s get started helping you feel better.


Did you know that the human body has a transmitter system called the endocannabinoid system (ECS)? This system is similar to the sympathetic nervous system, often referred to as the fight-or-flight system. The endocannabinoid system is specifically designed to process the chemicals derived from the cannabis plant. These chemicals include the incredibly beneficial and health-promoting chemical called CBD or Cannabidiol.

The ECS regulates and controls many of our most critical bodily functions such as learning and memory, emotional processing, sleep, temperature control, pain control, inflammatory and immune responses, and eating. Could a major key to enhancing our health be as easy as CBD oils and products? The answer is a resounding YES!