Psych-K & Emotion Code

Have you ever been stressed so badly you wondered if you would ever be able to relax again!?! Have you ever had a panic attack? Are you struggling with PTSD? You are not alone!

Psych-K and Emotion Code deal with specific emotional conflict and the belief structures that cause these conflicted emotions … emotions that interfere with the proper functioning of our body systems.


What Is Psych-K?

Developed by Rob Williams and highly endorsed by Bruce Lipton Psych – K is a non-invasive, interactive process of change with a proven record of success of over 30 years! It is a simple, yet powerful process to change subconscious beliefs that are self-limiting and self-sabotaging

The facilitator uses a unique blend of various tools for change, some contemporary and some ancient, derived from contemporary neuroscience research, as well as ancient mind/body wisdom. Psych – K is a groundbreaking approach to facilitating change at the subconscious level where at least 95% of our consciousness operates.

It is a process that transcends the standard methods of visualization, affirmations, willpower, and positive thinking especially effective in the areas of behavioral/habit change, wellness, and stress reduction

Session Fees:

Introductory Price: $125 per session

Single Session: $350

Three-Month Package: $1900
(2 Sessions/Month = $316/session)

Six-Month Package: $3600
(2 Sessions/Month = $300/session)

Ask about remote sessions and Zoom calls!

What Does Psych-K Address?

PSYCH-K® is a methodology that uses all levels of the conscious, subconscious, and superconscious mind to transform our limiting conditionings and the stresses, that we perceive with respect to any situation, into beliefs and empowering situations. Transforming the remembered stress of a situation many years ago that lingers as if it were right now can change lives!  PTSD has many variations and subtle manifestations.

Guided by the needs of her clients, Cheryl has recognized the lingering effects of 2020 and the Covid Pandemic on literally everyone and is stepping up to become more ‘essential’ during this awkward time.  Her goal has always been the relaxation and calming of her clients and now she has new tools to aid anyone overloaded with stress! Taking skills from both the Basic and Advanced Psych – K courses, as well as the Health and Wellbeing course, Cheryl seeks to ease the challenges she meets every day in the people who seek her out for relief.

You can schedule as little as 15 mins or 30 mins if you want to see if this works for you. Or schedule 1-hour or 2-hour sessions when you have something specific you want to work on in your life.

Psych – K can also be done remotely.  Using your computer or cell phone!  Maybe you are not able to travel or you live too far to make it a reasonable consideration.  You don’t even have to leave the comfort and safety of your own home!

Stop Self-Sabotaging and Begin to Live the Life You Desire!

Emotion Code

Emotions can affect our health, Headaches, ulcers, depression with the aches, pains, appetite issues, sleep issues, and lethargy are all stemming from emotional roots. We all have experienced how emotions can contribute to or inhibit physical and mental health.  Increasing our experiences of pain and even organ dysfunction manifesting in ulcers, migraines, fibromyalgia, foggy thinking, and much more.

Emotion Code is a simple way to identify and address releasing the negative emotions that we have stored in our bodies. Emotion Code can locate, through muscle testing, what emotions are having a negative effect.  Then with the specific stimulation of acupuncture meridians can assist adults, children, and animals in the release of those emotional blockades.

Session Fees:

45 Minutes: $120

60 Minutes: $160

75 Minutes (2 clients): $200

Ask about remote sessions and Zoom calls!

Just like brushing our teeth every day, we need to clean our emotions too!